Coalition for a New Dallas

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Dallas Politics 2.0

Dallas Observer’s Jim Schutze discusses the new era of Dallas politics in this column.

“Two extremely interesting new organizations appeared more or less at the sides of the Musketeers, if not directly behind their banner — The Dallas Green Alliance and The Coalition for a New Dallas. Each of these organizations was led by people with serious political chops, several of whom had already fought and acquitted themselves honorably against City Hall and the old Citizens Council cabal, taking scalps on contentious issues like The Dallas Arboretum’s colonial ambitions for White Rock Lake, fracking in parks and preservation of the Great Trinity Forest,” Schutze writes. “All of that is probably inside baseball for most people in the city. Who dominates the City Council, what happens to the toll road, who gets his ticket punched at City Hall: Those are pretty arcane considerations. But when I look at those early bubbles in the pot, I can’t help thinking how different life becomes for everybody when a place matures and becomes capable of sustaining real politics, real competition.”

We highly recommend reading his entire article.


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